Automated Candidate Screening

Predict candidate potential and save time finding your top applicants

Human Exponent's cultural fit assessment and work style assessment eliminate your guesswork. See human potential, culture fit and role fit in a sea of resumes and CVs.
Candidate screening

Candidate Screening Software where you don't pay per test

Stop paying per assessment! Use assessments at any stage of the recruitment cycle
Unlimited tests, so you can assess candidates flexibly
Unlimited candidates to test all applicants without extra costs

Used by teams inside growth startups and brands in the US & Europe

How it works?

Take some assessments to get feedback
and discover yourself.

Personalize your job search and find your fit.
BigTech? Early-stage? Mafia?

Leverage our tools to prepare for interviews, stand out,
and land remote jobs that fit you.

Talent screening

Talent screening must involve personality screening. This is because personality determines our preferences and behaviors. Research shows that people self-select over time into certain occupations depending on their personality, and certain personalities “fit” certain types of roles better. This matters for startups and large organizations alike.

Cognitive ability measures

We test for cognitive ability and/or basic data analytics ability in order to help you get motivated, high potential applicants.

Culture fit assessments

Candidate culture fit assessments based on shared values and preferences can help you figure out who could be a great fit for your team and organization. You can easily evaluate job candidates to identify who to hire more easily using Human Exponent.

Powerful applicants filters

Filter your applicants by skills, past industries, salary, location. Sort applicants by culture fit specific to your needs, overall fit relevant to the role and to your needs.

Objective candidate ranking and selection

Assess candidates anywhere in your hiring funnel. We enable you to see a stacked-ranking of candidates powered by powerful filters and search. Our system learns your preferences when you create your role and when you select applicants, so you can make better hiring decisions.

Team culture measures

Measure your team culture to get insights into who to hire from a culture fit and culture add point of view. Because we all perform differently in various environments, hiring skills first can fail. The organizational culture you’re hiring for culture fit and diversity at the same time, in order to drive performance, as well as well-being.

ATS Integrations

Applicant tracking software helps you manage your recruitment chaos. We integrated with your ATS to ease your life and serve full applicant reports. We provide standard ATS integrations with these common applicant tracking systems - Lever, Greenhouse, Ashby and TeamTailor at the moment. For other ones - just ask us.

How Human Exponent’s applicant screening process works

Human Exponent combines cultural fit assessments with candidate soft skills and ability testing to give you the best solution to hire for culture fit and for potential.
You create a role that you want to hire for by giving us just the basics that matter, and your character plus culture fit preferences in a short assessment designed for hiring managers.
Upon creating the role you get a unique link. Assessment takers get two or more assessments to fill out through one unique link that you share with them.
Users are asked to select behaviors and preference statements that are most like them. Statements and words are associated with personality traits, values and dimensions relevant for workplace behavior.
Ability or data analytics tests (if included) help us determine the overall fit of applicants. In order to protect candidate privacy we do not show the results of these specific tests.
High quality data helps us inform metrics that improve your decision-making while cutting down on your unconscious and conscious biases.
You can easily improve your HR selection strategies using our assessment platform that easily integrates with your ATS.

Our Experts

1. Blaze Mrozinski, CPO - SWPS, London School of Economics

2. Alina Shabatov, Sr Psychometrician - Bar-Ilan, Cambridge 

We’re building tools based on psychometrics and data to empower teams and individuals with insights into personality, abilities, preferences and motivations.